Mon Sep 16 2024  

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France Techno Ural 13 Records
V/A - Split 2 EP - AI Records 15 

In nearly forty releases (EP and LP melted), AI Records (for Area Industries) has managed to set up strong footbridges between electronica, downtempo, IDM, electro or experimental musical styles. Thanks to a pool of talented artists such like Claro Intelecto, Confutatis, Yellotone and FZV, motivated by a reel innovative artistically approach, the London based structure appears today as one of the most collectable labels alongside Warp, Rephlex, Transmat or UR. And this wonderful "Split 2 EP" may reinforce a little more the reputation of this label founded by three passionate, Steve, Jason and Phil. On the first side, Gerard Hanson aka E.R.P (Matrix Records, Down Low Music, Tektite Recordings) delivers three muffled cuts with Detroit influences ranging from synthetic funk to home listening variations ("How Did We Become Like This", "Members Lonely", "The Way We Were"). On the reverse, Mariel Ito (SCSI-Av, Spacebar Sentiments, Connaisseur Recordings), expected soon at Satamile for a remix of a EMS track, offers no doubt three of his best works to date: fearsome "Approach" with its impossible to miss final groove, ultra dance floor "Future 2020", made of filtered vocals and at last sumptuous "Once Upon A Creature" with its unique melody. If the A side is great, the B-side, far superior, confines to genius. Essential!!
Nexus 6, 08/08/2006 12'' electro

Split 2 EP