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Psylocity interview - Psi49net 

Industrial synths melodies, electro beat rhythms, filtered vocoders : here is Psylocity' secret ! Known for its unique way to raise the crowd up thanks to brilliant live acts & mix sets, Bielefeld duo Duniz and Henrixx come back to a decade of musical experiments and introduce its forthcoming "Klang Der Maschinen" first album on Anthony Rother's Psi49net label (check our review)...

- Atome : First of all Duniz & Henrixx, congratulations for the high quality of your first album called "Klang Der Machinen" that will be release soon on Anthony Rother's label Psi49net. How would you describe the album, how would you describe your music ? Where do you find this inspiration ?
- Duniz & Henrixx : First of all thanks for your kind words. Well we finished the album 2 years ago. The tracks on the album sound more like the "Psylocity & Friends EP", than the "LCP remix". It's because the way of producing was different to the way we are producing now. We find our inspiration everywhere, where there is sound - noise of traffic, sounds from the nature, the music from the supermarket also as the music from the clubs. I think the album sounds a little different to the other psi49net releases, we are very curious, how the people will react.

- A. : Except Anthony Rother, nobody has already released album on Psi49net. You are the very first one. Where you anxious, scared before finishing it ? How did you create this album ? On which mood ? How do you both share your work ?
- D. & H. : No, we were not scared, cause we didn't know that we are producing the first album for psi49net, which is not from Anthony. We just produced some electro-tracks and gave them to Anthony... after he listened to it he said : "Well boys, the tracks are so damn great, this will be your album !". The way of producing the album was, we went in the studio and asked ourselves, how we are feeling today. Then we tried to create a track for that mood, cause of that we finished every track on one day. We share the work on the tracks 50/50, except the vocals. Duniz usually makes the vocals.

- A. : What attracts you with the music and particularly with electro ?
- D. & H. : Our live is music. Music is so varied and electro is just one kind of music, that is shaking our asses and makes us feel good.

- A. : Since your first EP on Psi49net ("Psylocity & Friends") you recently appeared on LCP remixes and on excellent Electro Commando compilation. How did people react with your music ? Have you been surprised with the success you have ?
- D. & H. : We were surprised, that there are really a lot of people worldwide, which like our music. It's a great thing, to see us appear in playlists and charts from nearly all around the globe... but we are just at the beginning.

- A. : Could you introduce yourself a little bit more ? When and how did you discover electronic music ? What is your musical background ? Who are your masters in music ?
- D. & H. : Nearly ten years ago, we both were in the German graffiti and hiphop scene. Over hiphop, through jungle, we came to techno, house and electro. Maybe 8 years ago, we started producing music, at this time Duniz also started mixing. The first contact with electronic music, was in our childhood days, we listened to bands like Depeche Mode, Anne Clarke, Nitzer Ebb... The masters in music ? Well for electro, it's definitely Anthony Rother. He really showed that electro is not dead and gave a new impulse to the electro scene. For all the other music, there are a lot of artists we like or respect. Too much to list them all up.

- A. : Could you tell us the way you contacted Anthony Rother ? How did you meet Anthony ? What does he say about your music ?
- D. & H. : End of 1999, Anthony was doing live at the Stammheim in Kassel. After his Live-Act we gave him a demo-CD... and just three days later he phoned us. He said that he really likes the tracks we gave him. As you can imagine, we were really surprised, cause we didn't even thought about that he would call us. After the first contact we started sending new material to psi49net. Anthony chose the tracks for the first 12"... and then number 9 was our first release and even the first psi49net release, that was not produced by Anthony himself.

- A. : What are your musical projects in the next few months ? Will you stay on Psi49net ? Have you been contacted by other labels already ?
- D. & H. : We have two projects at the moment. We're just producing some straight techno-tracks and some minimal stuff. Maybe we find a label to release the tracks... Psylocity will definitely stay on psi49net. I think it is the best platform to release electro-tracks and we're really proud that we're part of the crew. We have produced some new electro-tracks for Psylocity ... so watch out !

- A. : What do you think about the actual electro scene ?
- D. & H. : Well, in Germany there are really a lot of people who like electro, mostly in combination with techno. But there is no real electro scene, yet. I think the electro-scene will grow slowly, but good things need time to grow and it's better than having a short hype with lot of terrible releases.

- A. : Few words for the electro worldwide community ?
- D. & H. : The force may be with you ;)
Nexus 6, 03/06/2002


Klang Der Maschinen


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